Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pantheacon 2015 and changes

Pantheacon 2015 was wonderful in so many ways. Seeing Zat and attending the Nisut's talk was wonderful. Making some new friends was also wonderful.

Some highlights:

ADF water-working and opening ritual
House Wights class - debating if I want to or should invite wights into my home and life.
Bast Devotional Dance - could not believe the energy in this ritual. Incredible!
Drum Circle 101 - sooooo enjoyable. Actually purchased a frame drum to use and enjoy. This is the first percussion instrument I have owned since the tendinitis in my forearms hit and changed things.

Magic of the Marlinspike - the knot work was sooooo incredibly fun! Met some wonderful ladies that I shared a table with.
Herbalism 101 - Quite educational... now if only I can find that darn handout that I want to use to plan additions to my herb garden.
Drum circle and Bast ritual events - one was rather fun and the other was nice to interact with other Kemetics even though they were of a different trad.

Animal Skulls as Ritual Partners - this was one of the most surprising workshops for me. I got ALOT more out of it than I would ever had expected. And a coyote skull I was meditating with ended up following me home.
It's about time: Kemetic festivals - This one by my Nisut was one that I wished had been earlier in the day or weekend. Fascinating subject and a very appreciated insite on the calendar.

ADF ritual - surprisingly enjoyable for too darn early on the last day of con lol.

On Hospitality suites:

My favorite suites this year (in no particular order);
Woven circle - the crafty people hung out here. Wonderful people and weaving wheat was surprisingly fun
OBOD - Super friendly people. Had fun just hanging out there
Pagan Alliance - Another with super friendly people...and good drinks :)
American Magic Umbanda House - One name: Kurt. Lovely person to chat with, enjoyable to experience new drinks with.
Whoever had the massages. Seriously needed that, Thank you!

Part 2 - Changes

I realize how contrary it seems that I spent a bunch of time with ADF people and realized that ADF is not the place for me. I'll be member for another 6ish months so this decision does not need to be a permanent one but I don't think I will end up staying a member. This is nothing against the ADF org or people.

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